How to change a game rule:
/gamerule doInsomnia false
List all game rules:
List of game rules I care about:
# Java edition & Bedrock edition: /gamerule doInsomnia false /gamerule doFireTick false # Bedrock edition: /gamerule showcoordinates true
Other ones:
# List of Bedrock edition game rules and their defaults: commandblockoutput = true dodaylightcycle = true doentitydrops = true dofiretick = true recipesunlock = true dolimitedcrafting = false domobloot = true domobspawning = true dotiledrops = true doweathercycle = true drowningdamage = true falldamage = true firedamage = true keepinventory = false mobgriefing = true pvp = true showcoordinates = false naturalregeneration = true tntexplodes = true sendcommandfeedback = true maxcommandchainlength = 65535 doinsomnia = true commandblocksenabled = true randomtickspeed = 1 doimmediaterespawn = false showdeathmessages = true functioncommandlimit = 10000 spawnradius = 10 showtags = true freezedamage = true respawnblocksexplode = true showbordereffect = true showrecipemessages = true playerssleepingpercentage = 100 projectilescanbreakblocks = true